Sunday, November 5, 2017

Books: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Dominican Culture

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic.- To complete, as did Jimmy Sierra last night, the Juan Bosch auditorium of so many writers, historians, cultural managers, artists, administrators or executives of programs, strategies and public and private organizations linked to culture, must have provided author, one of the happiest nights of his life.

The Dominican Cultural Dictionary systematizes the entire cultural process of the country, its main events, its most important figures, its most decisive facts, in a document that has been possible thanks to the participation of the author in many of these processes and to a research work looking at backwards so many years and that started Sierra more than 15 years ago.
In documenting the process of conformation of the Creole culture, what he has done is to give continuity and coherence to what he has been all his life: an educator of the most diverse expressive forms, now offering the result of years of cultural militancy and research .
Jimmy Sierra has starred in seminars that opened precedence in the cultural: He founded, in 1973 with Committee Pro National Institute of Cinematographic Studies (from which the documentaries May Day, Viacrucis and 7 days with the People were made and the Popular Circuit was launched Cinema, which are certainly the basis of Dominican cinema to come in. Then, in 1988, Agliberto Meléndez, would make Ida Passage.
Sierra has been a producer of radio and television (from the program La Nueva Voz, by Radio Comercial, in the 80's) and subsequently produced Contacto en Fa, En el with the collaboration of Domingo de los Santos and Rafael Reyes Jerez.
As a television producer, Sierra gave a lesson with Catalino el Dichoso, - starring Ángel Mejía - who established a new sense of television series and about which many people discouraged him, telling him that "this has never been fact". Well, he did it.
And he created the reference and the precedent of an audiovisual book, entitled Journey to the Center of History, in which he compends as a didactic documentary, the whole history of the country, with original music and the reconstruction of crucial events.
Dominican Cultural Dictionary is an obligatory reference book, of reference to the hand that must be had. A publication that should be already in libraries, universities, schools, schools and documentation center

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