Tuesday, December 21, 2010

End of the Lines of Succession: 'Little Fockers' Trailer 2010 HD

At the end of this, the third in the Focker saga (remember, it actually began with Meet The Parents), there is the obligatory "baiting" towards expecting another instalment. we strongly counsel against it.

Apart from the fact that the more memorable movie franchises end with the third film, this is one franchise in which the individual films have not been guilty of overstaying their welcome, even with the usual body function jokes and salutory nods to other blockbusters.

The appeal lies mainly in the cast. The producers brilliantly augmented the ensemble in the previous film via vets Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand, and the pair return this time with handy reprisals of their roles. But the core of the Focker franchise si the lead pair: Ben Stiller and Robert de Niro and "Focker 3" zooms in on this axis with laser-like focus.

Jack Byrnes (De Niro) is anxious about the future of his storied family (he's traced them back to 1643) and with heart problems hastening his focus on mortality, he wants to pass on the mantle of "family patriarch" - never mind that he has no sons to continue the Byrnes name. Thus the lot falls to Greg Focker (Stiller) who in this story, is juggling marriage, fatherhood and new job responsibilities.
Into that mix, the producers have tossed Jessica Alba ( a marked improvement from her previous comedic outing, which is still not saying much), as a sexpot pharmacy rep, selling.......you guessed it! - erectile dysfunction pills, who - oddly enough - has the hots for a married, graying former nurse with no substantial material or other accomplishments.

Oh well, stranger things have happened, and Focker's diversions are good for more than a few laughs; much of the dialogue sails along and the aforesaid cast  - even Daisy Tahan as little Samantha Focker - do more than just go with the flow.

Still, none of its virtues can justify extending this series any further. Like any other family visit, it's been fun, but ti's time to go

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