Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Mr Congeniality" and the Hype Machine: OFFICIAL TRAILER for NEVER SAY NEVER - Coming Feb 11th Valentines Day We...

Even as  I cringe at it, I understand that Justin Bieber's ubiquity makes this exercise inevitable and that notwithstanding their flameout on Grammy Best New Artist winner Esperanza Spalding, his army of tween and teen "Beliebers" are essentially immune to criticism of their idol.

So, barely 2 and a half years since impresario Scooter Braun saw teen Bieb on You Tube and brought him to Atlanta, we arrive at this point, with the Bieber back-story being given the full Hollywood derivative treatment, with all the "future music star" shots you can handle: Bieber banging on a chair; Bieber banging on a conga, Bieber hanging with Grandpa; Bieber trying out for local 'Idol" competition (and finishing second).

Such images are intercut with rehearsal and concert footage as part of a "countdown" to the Bieb's historic sellout of Madison Square Garden. During these sequences, we hear from his vocal coach (and seeming surrogate mom); from Braun, from fellow  teen star Miley Cyrus and from his chief patron, r n b star Usher. We also catch glimpses of the likes of Drake, Ludacris, Jaden Smith (a better dancer and more charismatic persona than Justin will ever be) and Boyz II Men.

What we hardly hear is Bieber in his own words on what the whole strange trip means or what he's actually thinking at all. He ambles along, with his reed-thin voice, ungainly stage presence and side-swept hair, the perfect study in congenial teen harmlessness, a kind of pet rock come to life.

 This is roughly two hours of sales campaign - timed, of course, to open just ahead of the Grammy presentation - masterminded by erstwhile r n b singer and now record label honcho Antonio 'LA' Reid. To hear Reid describe his initial enthusiasm on hearing Bieber and his belief in the kid's "talent" counts as one of the more revoltingly disingenuous screen moments that I can recall.

So don't hate Justin Bieber. he is undoubtedly a popular artist and may yet - against the odds - become an interesting one. As for the princesses screaming and 'ooohing' over him, they'll have moved on in another two years - max.

Never Say Never has given us the face of evil, and it is undoubtedly LA Reid.

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