Monday, February 27, 2017

Movies: Moonlight "eclipses" La-La Land after weird Oscars foul-up

One would think that with those bright red envelopes, it would be hard to make an error as bizarre as what capped Sunday night's Oscar award presentations.

But somehow, the envelope that contained the previously presented Best Actress in a Lead Role prize - to La-La Land's Emma Stone - was "recycled" to Best Picture presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway (appearing in coincidence of the 50th anniversary of their classic "Bonnie & Clyde").

Beatty took a long hard look after opening the envelope (was it sealed?) and dragged out the announcement as long as he could before succumbing to his presenting partner's prompting to hurry it up and handed off the announcement to her (maybe to put her in the hot seat?)

La-la was then duly announced as Best Picture, with the producers and others taking to the stage for their moment of glory.

They were winners for about a minuter, before the foul-up was revealed, sending the Moonlight cast and crew - and the rest of the packed hall into shock that another "Harveyesque" moment (as in Steve Harvey at the Miss Universe 2015) had played out.

The big questions of course, are who? and how? Best Picture is an important win for nominated flicks, not just because it boosts box office (or other receipts) but also positions the creators for bigger projects and budgets, especially if they're first-timers.

Barry Jenkins and Co. now vault into some exalted company (the film also won Best Adapted Screenplay and the night's first statuette, Best Supporting Actor to Mahershala Ali). But surely, they would have wished their ascendancy to have been a lot smoother and emabrassment-free

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