Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Biz: With Women, Inevitably, Present, JBDC, celebrates and challenges "BOSSMen"

Conventional wisdom says that men generally won't gather "just to exchange ideas" as freely as women might - without the "sweeteners" of free drink and food (in that order).

Well, the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) did, in fact, provide those sweeteners, but scores of male entrepreneurs and corporate citizens cut through the snarl of evening peak hour traffic and the added inhibitor of persistent rain to come together inside the Jamaica Pegasus' Talk of the Town (the traffic crawl graphically illustrated 17 storeys below) for the JBDC's male-oriented confab, entitled "B.O.S.S. Man"

The acronym B.O.S.S. stands for Building Opportunities for Strong Success, and is a logical extension of a previous event aimed at the ladies (who, as JBDC Deputy CEO Harold Davis notes, make up 69% of the company's clients).

Recovering well from a rain-induced late start, (the tiome being filled with motivational clips from the likes of John Assaraf and Jamie Foxx) the diverse panel led a a fulsome (remarkable since each had a mere 5 minutes or so), wide-ranging and robust discussion on the pathways, challenges and outllooks of men in business, whether it be role modelling for one's children, turning passion into profit or augmenting formal schooling with both knowledge and experience.

The Q & A period (wisely held until after the panelists had all spoken their piece), yielded further, even more personal insights, from bot the panelists and the audience, with one entrepreneur speaking candidly of how devotion to building his business(es) had nearly cost him his marriage and family and how he learned - after much trial and error - how to better weight his priorities to achieve the much sought-after "balance" of "work" and "life".

Eventually, with the clouds still menacing overhead, and with another class of businesspeople (the PSOJ) being feted below, the "formal" part of the evening came to what was clearly satisfying end, and it was time to indulge in the aforementioned "sweeteners" (including some heady beetroot wine samples),  - and some more networking - all to the sonic backdrop of some classic dancehall.

Score one more for the JBDC.

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